Garlic and Chilli Monk Cheeks Stir Fry

Garlic and Chilli Monk Cheeks Stir Fry
Fishboxer Bev Stewart from Aberdeen


1 tbsp groundnut oil

Monkfish cheeks

1 tbsp cornflour 

2 tsp chopped red chillies or chilli flakes (and to garnish)


1tbsp soy sauce (+ a wee splash fish sauce )

1 tsp sugar

50-100ml  chicken stock

3 garlic cloves finely chopped

Chopped coriander (and to garnish)


Lightly coat monkfish cheeks in corn flour. 

Shallow fry monk cheeks until slightly brown.  Drain and set aside.

Stir fry garlic and coriander.


Add chillies and rest of ingredients.

Add monkfish cheeks.

Serve with sesame greens and wild rice.